Shawn Gius
Director of Relocation,
Co-Owner Homes of El Paso Group

About Me
Born and raised in Colorado, Shawn Gius has always had a passion for his local community. He previously worked for Pueblo Community College for over ten years, where he was recognized as Employee of the Year in 2011. Gius transitioned into real estate shortly after as the IT Manager and Marketing Specialist for a local real estate firm in Colorado Springs, CO. With a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminal Justice, he had a brief job opportunity at the Pueblo County Sheriff’s office. He realized soon after that his passion and long-term goal was to work with people and the local community, specifically in the real estate industry. He joined forces with Eric Estrada in 2013 and traveled together as business partners to Florida and back, managing a nationally known and recognized real estate firm all while gaining further knowledge and expertise in the field. Together Eric and Shawn formed The EG Group, setting their sights on helping homebuyers, sellers, and military families across the Colorado Front Range. Today Shawn is the Director of Relocation for the Homes of Expansion Network, which spans the states of CO, WY, and TX. This expansion team of real estate professionals is consistently ranked among the top leading professionals in the United States.